Thoughts, Tips & Tricks On Caring For Your Animals, Naturally

If you’ve got a curious mind – get in touch and ask me your health, behavioural or homeopathy related questions, I’d be happy to answer them right here on the Wild Remedy blog.

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My Winter Wellness Tips!

Does your fur-baby love the colder weather, or do they prefer to curl up next to the fire or under the blanket? I love winter but it also brings a bit of nostalgia for me as I do miss the winter months that I spent in Alaska.  Even though I am used to; and love the cold, winter still brings its challenges, for instance out walking Willow last week I hit a few icy patches and did a very ungraceful slide! I’m very grateful that Willow seems to be an “all weather” type of ...

May 22, 2024

Hello Summer! My Top Summer Tips!

I was out running some errands the other day and I passed a lady seeking shade for herself and her dog under a tree. It was hot, it was in the middle of the afternoon and I was sweltering even with the air conditoning on in the car.  I could see that the dog was in distress and I knew that they were in trouble.  I could see him furiously panting and frothy saliva was coming from his mouth.  He was overheating.   I stopped and offered them both some much ne...

February 12, 2024

Homeopathy for Deep Grief

The grief was slowing starting to eat away at him.  His coat had lost condition; it was dull, flaked in dandruff, dry and rough.   He was eating but regardless he was losing weight at a fast rate.   His eyes were dull, flat, and lifeless yet longing for understanding and help.  His gait was purposeless, he had no destination in mind, nowhere to go, he had no purpose to serve.He had lost his zest for life.  He just sat and watched the world go by.  Lost in ...

October 25, 2023

My Top Homeopathic Remedies To Support Our Felines!

Our feline friends can have the reputation for being fearless and lethal predators; but we often forget that they are also prey animals and are open to being attacked by other predators.  This is why they have a well developed sense of fear and can be cautious around strangers, loud or unexpected noises and they really dislike changes to their routine or environment.Homeopathy can really support our animals through various mental, emotional and physical ailments. Although there ar...

July 19, 2023

Nux Vomica!  Tummy Troubles!

At some stage our fur-babies are going to experience some form of tummy trouble. Like us, our fur-babies are also going to experience the discomfort and irritability that goes along with an upset tummy.When our fur-babies are feeling “off”, we want to immediately help and support them in any way that we can.So, how can we help and support our fur-baby with tummy trouble?Nux vomica!Nux vomica is a well known homeopathic remedy and is a must have for any animal emergency kit.  In fac...

July 13, 2023

Homeopathic Remedies for Boarding Kennels and Catteries

With the school holiday's fast approaching many of our fur-baby's will be going into the kennels or cattery for a little R and R!For some of our fur-baby's they love their time away. They get to see familiar staff and other pets and they easily slot into the holiday routine.For others; going into the kennels or cattery, especially for the first time, can be quite traumatic and upsetting. Their whole life has just been turned upside down and they have been thrust into an unknown world. There are ...

March 24, 2023

Help! My fur-baby has eaten chocolate - what should I do?

𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆!I love Easter, mainly because I love chocolate.  I mean, who doesn't love chocolate!Over the years I have become very aware of my addiction to chocolate, just as I am aware that with dogs and cats in the house I can't leave chocolate lying around for easy access.In case you didn't know  chocolate is highly toxic to dogs and cats!As a first time fur-baby guardian I had no idea that chocolate was toxic to cats and dogs.  I really h...

March 23, 2023

My Top Autumn Tips!

Autumn is my favourite season. I love the beautiful golden colours on the falling leaves and best of all usually the walking tracks aren't so popular.  But, as with each season, autumn brings its own challenge for our animals.Below are my top tips for autumn!Beware of the fungi!I have started to be extra vigilant when I am out  hiking in the bush as fallen leaves are a perfect breeding ground for wild mushrooms. Although Willow is at that age where she is a bit more particular abo...

March 22, 2023

Worming Your Dogs and Pups with Homeopathy

Worms in our animals (domestic and farm) are generally very common and if left untreated can cause serious health problems further down the track. How do dogs/pups get worms?Dogs can pick up intestinal worms in areas where an infested dog (or other animal) has shed the larvae or worm eggs.  Dogs that like to hunt and eat wild prey (mice, rabbits, birds) are more at risk of picking up worms.  Dogs can pick up worms by eating soil, grass and feces that are contaminated with worm egg...

March 10, 2023

Worming Your Cats & Kittens With Homeopathy

What you need to know about cats/kittens and worms! How do cats/kittens get worms?Cats/kittens can pick up worms by coming into contact with fleas, eggs or infected particles in feces.   More often than not they have innocently walked through an infested area and have ingested the eggs or fecal matter when they clean their fur and feet.  Indoor cats/kittens are not exempt, especially in multiple cat households as they can pick up worms from contaminated litterboxes....

March 10, 2023

Spraying in Multi-cat Households

If you are a cat or kitten guardian, at some point you are probably going to have to deal with your fur-baby's inappropriate toileting; more commonly known as "cat spraying or urine marking".It is a lot more common than what we think and over the years I have had a lot of guardians come through the clinic seeking advice and homeopathic help for their cats spraying.   More often than not it is out of control and in some cases has been going on for years.  Spraying issues in ca...

March 6, 2023

What Is Heat Stroke?

You're out there walking along the trail with your best fur legged friend, enjoying the hot summer sun beating down on you.  The birds are chirping away, at that moment life couldn't be any more pleasant. You notice that you are building up a bit of a sweat and the sun is starting to get a bit of a bite to it.  You look across at your walking companion; Fido, who all of a sudden doesn't seem to be looking so good.His eyes are glassy; he is panting quite a ...

January 23, 2023

Lyssinum - A Homeopathic Remedy

Dis-ease is not prejudice.  It can strike any animal at any time, with any dis-ease. Animal vaccinations are a personal choice. As with anything, there are pros and cons.  In my clinic I see both; vaccinated and unvaccinated.    I have had experience with animals that have contracted dis-eases such as parvo, calicivirus, kennel cough etc.  In these instances some of the animals were vaccinated and some were not. I have also dealt with vaccinosis (wher...

January 16, 2023

How To Naturally Support Animal Bites

I got an urgent "help me" message this week from an animal guardian whose dog had unfortunately been attacked by another dog whilst out walking.The altercation resulted in a nasty bite wound.Unfortunately this is quite common, especially over the holidays.  Everyone is out and about enjoying what nature has to offer and it is easy to let our attention wander.One of the most important things to remember is that not all dogs/cats are going to get along.  It is up to us to provide a safe ...

January 4, 2023

Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD)

There is nothing worse than listening to your cat or dog continually scratch, gnaw and lick their skin. The noise can literally drive you around the bend, so imagine how distressing and uncomfortable it is for them. Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) is a common skin allergy that occurs in both cats and dogs. Over the last few weeks; due to the warmer weather I have seen quite the increase in animals suffering with FAD. Thankfully homeopathy is able to reduce the intensity of their symptoms and su...

November 16, 2022

Trick or Treat!

Halloween can be a really fun time.  Let’s face it who doesn’t want to get dressed up and eat candy! I used to love seeing the local neighborhood children all dressed up and excited to show off their costume and raid the candy bowl. But Halloween can be really stressful for our animals.   My dogs used to get quite anxious with all of the noise and commotion, not to mention all of the door knocking.  I also had to avoid walking at certain times as they used to ge...

October 17, 2022

My Top Spring Animal Tips!

I love spring.  It brings with it a light and carefree energy which our animals really embrace.  They tend to become a little frisky, a little lighter and generally just happier.  Spring is a time for new beginnings, growth and abundance; all of which our animals emanate.  But, as with each season, spring brings its own challenge for our animals. Below are my top spring tips: Seasonal allergies Typically this is when you are going to see seasonal allergies rearing their ugly ...

August 31, 2022

When Yeast Attacks!

When I went through my own personal health crisis one of the main contributing factors for me was candida overgrowth (yeast infection). For me, the candida outbreak reared its ugly head in the form of my skin. I would itch until my skin bled. It also affected my joints. I would be in such pain that some days I could barely close and open my hands. I was in so much pain I became grumpy and I just wanted to be left alone to wallow in my misery. Unless I cleaned up my diet the prognosis was not go...

July 27, 2022

Homeopathy Care For Stitches!

As I walked into the room I noticed that she no longer had her “cone of shame” on and she was vigorously licking and pulling at her stitches.  The area was visibly inflamed, red and it was obviously causing her a lot of distress. Surgical incisions and stitches can be uncomfortable and painful for our animals.  They can’t tell us if the incision is itchy, sore or if the stitches are pulling their skin.  More often than not it is usually a combination of all three! The first ...

July 25, 2022

Gastroenteritis - What To Look Out For

As most of you know I've been dealing with gastroenteritis (tummy bug) cases a lot this week. From guinea pigs to dogs and cats; no animal appears to be off limits. I have noticed in all of these instances that the tummy bug has hit the animal quite hard and fast.  Overall, their condition has deteriorated quite quickly. Tummy bugs are no fun and can actually be quite distressing and stressful not only for the animal but also for the guardian. If your animal is suffering from gastro compla...

June 22, 2022

Homeopathic Support For Thunder and Lightening

With the wild weather and thunderstorms we have been having over the past few days, this is the unfortunate reality for many of our animals.Our animals are more sensitive to noise and smell far more than us; in fact dogs can sense the changes in air pressure.  One thing for certain is that each animals experience with thunder and lightning will differ; in fact some animals may even be quite happy just to sit back and watch the show!For those animals that do experience anxiety during thunder...

June 14, 2022

Bone Broth Recipe!

Bon Appétit! Fill your slow cooker with bones (free range if possible. You can use chicken frames or bones/duck/turkey/beef). If you don't have a slow cooker you can also do it in a stock pot. Leave it on low for the day. Fill the pot so the bones are completely covered - add in an extra 2-3 inches of water on top (filtered water) Add raw apple cider vinegar (you can use lemon juice as a substitute). For a regular sized crock pot use 2-4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar Turn slow cooker on to...

March 22, 2022

Puppy Foster Update 4

Did you know I have never really toilet trained a puppy before. Omg, shock, horror but yes it is true!  Koda and Willow just somehow toilet trained themselves.  Libi was 2 years old when she came into our pack so she was already toilet trained. I'm not sure what happened with Puppy A though, I think the memo got lost on this one! It has been an education that is for sure. At times it has been frustrating. At times it has been rewarding. At times, I have thought I have lost my sanity du...

January 28, 2022

Hot Spots In Dogs!

Over the last few months I have seen an increase in skin issues not only in dogs but also cats. Skin symptoms are usually caused by an under-lying issue that has been building for a long time. In some cases it can be due to diet, allergies such as fleas or environmental issues. Over the Christmas period I had quite a few clients seek homeopathic support for hot spots in their dogs. This skin condition tends to raise its ugly head in the warmer months. Usually it is in response to some kind of al...

January 14, 2022

Grass Seeds and Dogs

I love the warmer months as it means spending time at the lake, nice long walks in the forest and lazy afternoons. Unfortunately for our pets, especially our dogs, summer does come with some challenges. We are heading into the grass seed season which is a very common problem for dogs in the summer months. Speaking from experience grass seeds can be very nasty and can also do a lot of damage. The seeds have pointy ends which enables them to burrow into the skin and travel their way around the do...

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