Kitten Pack - Pack of 5 x10ml homeopathic remedies


Kitten Pack

Homeopathy is a safe, effective and gentle modality for your animals.  I am available for advice over the counter as well as in the privacy of an in-depth consultation via zoom.   For advice on specific ailments please contact me at  Please select whether you would like pill or liquid form.  Please note that some kits/remedy's are only available in either pill or liquid form.  All remedy's on-line are in a 30c potency.

This pack contains all of the necessary remedies to help support your new kitten!  From teething to stress, fear and anxiety - this pack has everything you need to support your kitten in their new home!

Pack contains:

Opium and Aconite (for fear, stress and anxiety)

Ignatia (for loss, grief and change of new households)

Cat flu (stress and anxiety can offer cause prior cat flu symptoms to resurface)

Nux vomica (change in diet)

Chamomilla (teething)

Easy to follow instructions and symptoms provided via email in PDF form.

SKU: 10000-12-1

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