Homeopathy Kit
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Homeopathy is a safe, effective and gentle modality for your animals. I am available for advice over the counter as well as in the privacy of an in-depth consultation via zoom. For advice on specific ailments please contact me at stephanie@wildremedy.co.nz. Please select whether you would like pill or liquid form. Please note that some kits/remedy's are only available in either pill or liquid form. All remedy's on-line are in a 30c potency.
This kit contains 12x2gm vials of pillules containing 20-25 doses (one pillule = 1 dose). This kit is portable and easy to take with you and your animal when you are on the move.
The kit comes with keynotes for each vial. Each kit contains: Aconite, Apis, Arsenicum, Arnica, Belladonna, Gelsemium, Hepar sulf, Hypericum, Ignatia, Ledum, Nux vomica and Rhus tox.